---Manuscript in review--- (*Postdoc, †PhD student, ‡Undergraduate student in Crust-Def lab group)
7. Njinju, E.A., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Atekwana, E.A., Stamps, D.S., van der Lee, S., Evans, R.L., Taylor, M.H., Katumwehe, A.B., *Ajala, R. (2025). Low-Density Perturbations in the Crust Indicate Potential for Blind Magmatism Beneath Magma-poor Rifts. Submitted to Earth & Planetary Science Letters.
6. †Colet, M., Kolawole, F., *Ajala, R., Delvaux, D., Nkodia, H.M.D. (2025). Redefining the Nubian-Victoria plate boundary in East Africa: Incipient Reactivation of Failed Rifts and Initiation of a Microplate in D. R. Congo. In review,Tectonics. Preprint DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173687319.95662295/v1.
5. Kgosidintsi, B., Kolawole, F., Nthaba, B., *Foster-Baril, Z., Shemang, E. (2025). Incipient Rifting of the Kalahari Craton: Reactivation of Mesozoic Failed Rifts in Southern Africa’s Cratonic Interior. In review, Tectonics. Preprint DOI: 10.22541/essoar.173724396.63149470/v1.
4. *Ajala, R., Kolawole, F., Legre, J-J., Olugboji, T., van Herwaarden, D-P., Fichtner, A. (2025). Multiscale comparison of early-stage lithospheric deformation styles in magma-poor and magma-rich divergent plate boundaries. Submitted to Earth & Planetary Science Letters. ESS Open Archive Preprint DOI: 10.22541/au.173627299.94095848/v1.
3. Kolawole, F., *Foster-Baril, Z., Seeber, L., Tielke, J., Prakash, A., Colet, M.*, Beaucé, E., Kim, W.Y., *Ajala, R., McCarthy, C., F. Waldhauser, F. (2025). The 2024 Mw4.8 New Jersey Intraplate Earthquake: Preferential Rupture of an Immature Rough Fault in Frictionally Unstable Basement Rocks. In review, Geophysical Research Letters. Authorea preprint DOI: 10.22541/au.173204170.01301789/v1
2. Beaucé, E., Waldhauser, F., Schaff, D., Kim, W.Y., Kolawole, F. (2025). The 2024 Tewksbury, New Jersey seismic sequence revealed by local seismic networks and machine-learning-enhanced detection techniques. In review, Geophysical Research Letters.
1. Katumwehe, A.B., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Mickus, K., Ngalamo,J.F.G., Stamps, D.S., Evans, R.L., Atekwana, E.A., Njinju, E.A., Taylor, M., van der Lee, S., Tugume, F., Kiberu, J.M. (2025). Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Domains of the Edward-George and Albertine-Rhino Rift Zones, Western Uganda. In revision,, Geophysical Journal International.
---Journal Peer-Reviewed--- (*Postdoc, †PhD student, ‡Undergraduate student in the Crust-Def lab group)
46. Kolawole, F., Xue, L., Dulanya, Z. (2024). Rapid Versus Delayed Linkage and Coalescence of Propagating Rift Tips. Accepted, In press, AGU Books: Extensional Tectonics: Continental Breakup to Formation of Oceanic Basins. Preprint DOI: 10.22541/essoar.168167202.29986035/v2.
45. Njinju, E.A., Kolawole, F., Stamps, S.D., Atekwana, E.A., Ghomsi, F.E.K., Atekwana, E.A. (2024). Intrarift fault interactions: Insights from coseismic stress redistribution from large seismogenic segment ruptures, Northern Malawi Rift. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 191, 105326.
44. Mfa, D., Kolawole, F., Kgosidintsi, B., *Ajala, R., Shemang, E. (2024). Long-Lived Seismic Instability of a Large Intraplate Brittle Shear Zone Revealed by Distributed Slip Zones and Paleoseismic Frictional Melt, Eastern Botswana. Journal of Structural Geology, v. 191, 105324.
43. Dulanya, Z., Kolawole, F., Gallen S., Williams, J. (2024). On the Timescales of Border Fault Growth: Pleistocene Slip Acceleration and Lateral Border Fault Propagation in the Lower Shire Graben, East Africa. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008232.
42. ‡Grant, C., Kolawole, F., Williams, J. (2024). Evolution of Rift Faulting in Incipient, Magma-Poor Divergent Plate Boundaries: New Insights from the Okavango-Makgadikgadi Rift Zone, Botswana. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 646, 118957. Doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118957.
41. Xue, L., Moucha, R., Kolawole, F., Muirhead, J. D., Scholz, C. A. (2024). The influence of the strength of pre-existing crustal-scale weak zones on rift geometry and strain localization. Tectonophysics, 890, p.230472. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2024.230472
40. Kolawole, F., *Ajala, R. (2024). Propagating rifts: the roles of crustal damage and ascending mantle fluids. EGU-Solid Earth, 15, 747–762. Doi: 10.5194/se-15-747-2024.
39. Legre, J-J., Olugboji, T., Qin, Y., Kolawole, F. (2024). The Intraplate Stress Field of West Africa. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107614. Doi: 10.1029/2023GL107614.
38. *Ajala, R., Kolawole, F., Menke, B. (2024). Blind magmatism abets nonvolcanic continental rifting. Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 5(80). Doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01244-7.
37. Li, P., Nakata, N., Kolawole, F., Carpenter, B.M., Hongrui Qiu (2023). Towards the Usage of Quarry Blasts as an Active Seismic Source for Subsurface Characterization and Imaging. Geophysical Journal International, 235(3), pp.2916-2926. Doi: 10.1093/gji/ggad391.
36. Kolawole, F., Evenick, C. (2023). Global Distribution of Geothermal Gradients in Sedimentary Basins. Geoscience Frontiers, 14(6), p.101685. Doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2023.101685.
35. Shaban, S., Kolawole, F., Scholz, C.A. (2023). The Deep Basin and Underlying Basement Structure of the Tanganyika Rift. Tectonics, 42, e2022TC007726. Doi: 10.1029/2022TC007726.
34. Ohenhen, L.O., Mayle, M., Kolawole, F., Ismail, A., Atekwana, E.A. (2023). Exploring for Groundwater in Sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from Integrated Geophysical Characterization of Weathered Basement Aquifer System, Central Malawi. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47 (101433).
33. Brune, S., Kolawole, F., Olive, J-A., Stamps, D.S., Buck, R.W., Buiter, S.J.H., Furman, T., Shillington, D.J. (2023). Geodynamics of continental rift initiation and evolution. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4(4), pp.235-253. Doi: 10.1038/s43017-023-00391-3.
32. Chisenga, S., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Yan, J., Rajaonarison, T., Shemang, E.M. (2023). Localization of Large Intraplate Earthquakes along Faulted Density-Contrast Boundaries: Insights from the 2017 Mw6.5 Botswana Earthquake. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 197, 104752. Doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2022.104752.
31. Williams, J.N., Wedmore, L.N.J., Fagereng, A., Werner, M.J., Mdala, H., Shillington, D., Scholz, C.A., Kolawole, F., Wright, L.J.M., Biggs, J., Dulanya, Z., Mphepo, F., Chindandali, P.R.N. (2022). Geologic and geodetic constraints on the seismic hazard of Malawi’s active faults: The Malawi Seismogenic Source Database (MSSD). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22, 3607–3639.
30. Nkodia, H.M.D., Miyouna, T., Kolawole, F., Boudzoumou, F., Loemba, A.P.R., Bazebizonza, N.C.T., Delvaux, D. (2022). Seismogenic Fault Reactivation in Western Central Africa: Insights from Regional Stress Analyses. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (11), e2022GC010377.
29. Kolawole, F., Vick, T., Atekwana, E.A., Laó-Dávila, D.A., Costa, A.G., and Carpenter, B.M. (2022). Strain Localization and Migration During the Pulsed Lateral Propagation of the Shire Rift Zone, East Africa. Tectonophysics, 839, 229499. Doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229499.
28. Dulanya, Z., Gallen, S.F., Kolawole, F., Williams, J.N., Wedmore, L.N.J., Biggs, J., Fagereng, Å (2022). Knickpoint Morphotectonics of the Middle Shire River Basin: Implications for the Evolution of Rift Interaction Zones. Basin Research. Doi: 10.1111/bre.12687.
27. Chase, B.F., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Carpenter, B.M., Turko, M., Abdelsalam, M.G., and Finn, C. (2022). The 180 km-Long Meers-Willow Fault System in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: A Potential US Mid-Continent Seismic Hazard. GSA Bulletin. Doi: 10.1130/B36363.1.
26. Williams, J.N., Wedmore, L.N.J., Scholz, C.A., Kolawole, F., Wright, L.J.M., Shillington, D., Fagereng, A., Biggs, J., Mdala, H., Dulanya, Z., Mphepo, F., Chindandali, P.R.N., Werner, M.J. (2022). The Malawi Active Fault Database: an onshore-offshore database for regional assessment of seismic hazard and tectonic evolution. p.e2022GC010425. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2022GC010425. Doi: 10.1029/2022GC010425 (Open access).
25. Ojo, O.O., Ohenhen, L., Kolawole, F., Johnson, S.G., Chindandali, P.R., Atekwana, E.A., Laó-Dávila, D.A. (2022). Under-Displaced Normal Faults: Strain Accommodation along an Early-Stage Rift-Bounding Fault in the Southern Malawi Rift. Frontiers in Earth Science, v. 10. Doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.846389.
24. Olugboji, T.M., Shirzaei, M., Lu, Y., Adepelumi, A.A., and Kolawole, F. (2021). On the Origin of Orphan Tremors & Intraplate Seismicity in Western Africa. Frontiers in Earth Science. Doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.716630
23. Kolawole F., Firkins, M.C., Al Wahaibi, T.S., Atekwana, E.A., Soreghan, M.J. (2021). Rift interaction zones and the stages of rift linkage in active segmented continental rift systems. Basin Research. 33(6), 2984-3020. Doi: 10.1111/bre.12592.
Preprint on EarthArXiv: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2032
22. Kolawole F., Phillips, T.B., Atekwana, E.A., Jackson, C.A-L. (2021). Structural Inheritance Controls Strain Distribution During Early Continental Rifting, Rukwa Rift. Frontiers in Earth Science. Doi:10.3389/feart.2021.707869.
Preprint on EarthArXiv: https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2338/
21. Hamilton, M., Carpenter, B.M., Johnston, C.S., Kolawole, F., Evans, S.C. and Elmore, R.D. (2021). Fractured, altered, and faulted basement in northeastern Oklahoma: Implications for induced seismicity. Journal of Structural Geology, p.104330. Doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104330.
20. Kolawole O., Ispas I., Kolawole F., Germay C., McLennan J.D. (2021) Mechanical zonation of rock properties and the development of fluid migration pathways: implications for enhanced geothermal systems in sedimentary-hosted geothermal reservoirs. Geothermal Energy. Doi:10.1186/s40517-021-00195-y.
19. Patel, S., Kolawole, F., Walter, J.I., Chen, X., and Marfurt, K.J. (2020). Seismic illumination of small-throw seismogenic faults, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. Interpretation, vol. 9, no. 2; p. SE35–SE51. Doi:10.1190/INT-2020-0135.1.
18. Firkins, M., Kolawole, F., Marfurt, K.J., and Carpenter, B.M. (2020). Attribute-assisted characterization of basement faulting and the associated sedimentary sequence deformation in north-central Oklahoma. Interpretation, 8(4), SP175-SP189. Doi:10.1190/INT-2020-0053.1.
17. Clairmont, R., Kolawole, F., Omale, A.P., and Bedle, H. (2020). Controls of pre‐existing structures on clinoform architecture and the associated progradational system elements. Basin Research, 00, 1– 28. Doi:10.1111/bre.12487.
16. Kolawole, F., Carpenter, B.M., and Simpson-Turko, M. (2020). Basement-controlled deformation of sedimentary sequences, Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma. Basin Research, 32, 1365– 1387. Doi:10.1111/bre.12433.
15. Qin, Y., Chen, X., Walter, J.I., Haffener, J., Trugman, D.T., Carpenter, B.M., Weingarten, M., and Kolawole, F. (2019). Deciphering the stress state of seismogenic faults in Oklahoma and southern Kansas based on an improved stress map. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 12920– 12934. Doi:10.1029/2019JB018377.
14. Njinju, E. A., Atekwana, E. A., Stamps, D. S., Abdelsalam, M. G., Atekwana, E. A., Mickus, K. L., Fishwick, S., Kolawole, F., Rajaonarison, T. A., and Nyalugwe, V. N. (2019). Lithospheric structure of the Malawi Rift: Implications for magma‐poor rifting processes. Tectonics, 38. Doi: 10.1029/2019TC005549.
13. Kolawole, F., Johnston, C.S., Morgan, C.B., Chang, J.C., Marfurt, K.J., Lockner, D.A., Reches, Z., and Carpenter, B.M. (2019). The susceptibility of Oklahoma’s basement to seismic reactivation. Nature Geoscience, 12(10), 839-844. Doi: 10.1038/s41561-019-0440-5.
12. Njinju, E. A., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Stamps, D.S., Atekwana, E.A., Abdelsalam, M.G., Mickus, K.L. (2019). Terrestrial heat flow in the Malawi Rifted Zone, East Africa: Implications for tectono-thermal inheritance in continental rift basins. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 387, 106656. Doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.023.
11. Heilman, E., Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A. and Mayle, M. (2019). Controls of basement fabric on the linkage of rift segments. Tectonics, 38(4), 1337-1366. Doi:10.1029/2018TC005362.
10. Qin, Y., Chen, X., Carpenter, B.M., and Kolawole, F. (2018). Coulomb stress transfer influences fault reactivation in areas of wastewater injection. Geophysical Research Letters. Doi:10.1029/2018GL079713.
9. Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Laó‐Dávila, D.A., Abdel Salam, M.G., Chindandali, P.R., Salima, J., and Kalindekafe, L. (2018). Active deformation of Malawi rift's north basin Hinge zone modulated by reactivation of pre-existing Precambrian Shear zone fabric. Tectonics, 37(3), 683-704. Doi:10.1002/2017TC004628.
8. Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Laó-Dávila, D.A., Abdel Salam, M.G., Chindandali, P.R., Salima, J., and Kalindekafe, L. (2018). High-resolution electrical resistivity and aeromagnetic imaging reveal the causative fault of the 2009 M w 6.0 Karonga, Malawi earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 213(2), 1412-1425. Doi:10.1093/gji/ggy066.
7. Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., Malloy, S., Stamps, D.S., Grandin, R., Abdel Salam, M.G., Leseane, K. and Shemang, E.M. (2017). Aeromagnetic, gravity, and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar analyses reveal the causative fault of the 3 April 2017 Mw 6.5 Moiyabana, Botswana, earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(17), pp.8837-8846. Doi:10.1002/2017GL074-620.
6. Kolawole, F., Atekwana, E.A., and Ismail, A. (2017). Near‐surface electrical resistivity investigation of coseismic liquefaction‐induced ground deformation associated with the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, earthquake. Seismological Research Letters, 88(4), 1017-1023. Doi:10.1785/0220170004.
5. Anifowose, A.Y.B., and Kolawole, F. (2014). Appraisal of the geotourism potentials of the Idanre Hills, Nigeria. Geoheritage, 6(3), 193-203. Doi:10.1007/s1 2371-014-0100-5. (Undergrad research)
4. Anifowose, A.Y.B., and Kolawole, F. (2012). Emplacement Tectonics of Idanre Batholith, West Africa. Comunicaçõe Geológicas, 99(2). (Undergrad research)
3. Anifowose, A.Y.B., and Kolawole, F. (2012). Tectono-hydrological study of Akure metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria. Special Publication of the Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences, 106-120. (Undergrad research)
2. Kolawole, F., and Anifowose, A.Y.B. (2011). Talus caves: Geotourist attractions formed by spheroidal and exfoliation weathering on Akure-Ado Inselbergs, Southwestern Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 4(3), 1-6, doi:10.4314/ejesm.v4i3.1. (Undergrad research)
1. Kolawole, F., and Anifowose, A.Y.B. (2011). Remote sensing analysis of a dextral discontinuity along Ifewara-Zungeru area, Nigeria, West Africa. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1), 46-51. (Undergrad research)
---Data publications, Opinions, Essays, and Conference Extended Abstracts (non peer-reviewed)---
4. Kolawole, F., Evenick, J.C. (2024). Data Supporting Global Distribution of Geothermal Gradients in Sedimentary Basins. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11258453.
3. Kolawole, F., Carpenter, B.M., and Turko Simpson, M. (2019) The Intra-Basement Reflectors in the STACK Area of Oklahoma: What are they really? AAPG Explorer, April 2019.
2. Chopra, S., Marfurt, K.J., Kolawole, F., and Carpenter B.M. (2018). Nemaha strike-slip fault expressions on 3D seismic data in the SCOOP trend of Oklahoma. AAPG Explorer, June 2018.
1. Atekwana, E.A., Kolawole, F., Ismail, A., and Harding, J.K. (2017). Assessing earthquake rupture zones: An integrated Electrical and Aeromagnetic Approach. In International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 9-12 October 2017, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).